Your Forms, Your Way!

Start with our ultimate Statamic Starter Kit - Formatic!

Custom Forms Made Easy!

With Formatic, you're not stuck with one-size-fits-all form designs. We provide three distinct design options, each customizable to perfection. Whether you're after a full-page form, a form split into sections with cards, or a wizard form with multiple steps, we have you covered.

Full Page Forms

Unleash the full power of your form in a single, comprehensive layout.

Sectioned Forms

Brake it down into digestible sections with easy-to-navigate cards.

Wizard Forms

Guide your users through a step-by-step journey.

Secure Your Forms , Your Data.

Formatic allows you to self-host it, meaning that your data is securely stored on your own servers, ensuring data sovereignty and giving you complete control over your information.

Additionally, you have the option to enable a password protection feature for your form page. You have full control over access, ensuring that your forms are only used by authorized parties.

Security Features

Formatic By The Numbers!

Formatic is not just about form building, it's about making a difference. Here's a glance at what we offer:

Seamless Integrations

With Laravel, Alpine.js, Zapier, Pipedream, and more!


Cater to user preferences with an easy toggle between light and dark themes.

Form Design Options

Choose between Full Page, Split by Sections with Cards, and Wizard (Multistep) form.

Predefined Themes

Tailor your form's look to your brand or create your own with CSS variables and Tailwind CSS.

Designed Components

Our components are designed with accessibility in mind, fully customizable to suit your needs.

And many more...

Check our Notion page, where we have documented everything about the product itself.

Ready to Transform Your Form Building Experience?

Take the leap, try Formatic today. With a one-click install, you're minutes away from a game-changing form builder.

Frequently Asked Questions!

How can I customize the design of my forms?

Formatic uses TailwindCSS for styling but also comes with CSS Variables and more than 12 prebuilt themes. You can easily create your own theme that reflects your own branding guide.

How do I install Formatic?

Formatic is easy to install. You can install it into an existing site or using the Statamic CLI tool. For detailed instructions, refer to the 'Installation' section of the readme.

How does Formatic help with data security and privacy?

Formatic allows for self-hosting, which means all your form data stays on your own servers. This reduces the risk of data breaches and ensures compliance with GDPR norms.

Is Formatic a free tool?

No, Formatic is a commercial starter kit. You need to purchase a license via the Statamic Marketplace to use it in your project.

What does self-hosted mean?

In the context of Formatic, self-hosted means that all your form data remains on your own servers. This ensures better privacy and security, as you're not sharing your data with any third-party form builders.

What is Formatic?

Formatic is a powerful, self-hosted form builder designed for Statamic. It provides a range of customizable options to create dynamic and engaging forms for any project. Formatic is your alternative to major form builders like Typeform and Google Forms, offering you full control over your data.

What is Statamic?

Statamic is a modern, flexible, and powerful content management system (CMS) that's built on Laravel. It's perfect for creating websites, blogs, web applications, and more. Formatic is specifically designed to integrate with Statamic.

What kind of forms can I create with Formatic?

With Formatic, you can create a variety of forms, including full-page forms, forms split into sections with cards, or wizard (multi-step) forms. You can also include traditional text, responsive images, videos and YouTube links in your forms.

What's the deal with password protection?

Formatic includes password protection features that allow you to control who has access to your forms. This helps ensure that your forms are only used by authorized parties.

Where can I report bugs or suggest features?

We welcome all feedback. If you come across any bugs or have any feature requests, please visit the issues tab in our repository.

Who's behind Formatic?

Formatic is brought to you by the team at Lucky Media. We're passionate about leveraging technology to create high-performing websites and applications. If you have any projects in mind, feel free to contact us.

Are you a visual learner?

Watch our YouTube video for a short tutorial on how to build a basic yet powerful form with Formatic.

Copyright © Formatic - Statamic Starter Kit.

Made with ♥ by Luckymedia


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